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Behind a number, real people: the value of connecting with our audience

Behind a number, real people: the value of connecting with our audience

For a while now, brands and agencies have been discussing how to better connect with audiences. The issue is that, if we focus 100% on improving results and increasing sales, we are not really going to connect with our audience in a more meaningful way.

Why is that? Simply because relationships come before business. We need to build a relationship with our audience before asking them to buy from us. To achieve this, we need to earn a valuable place in the lives of people, to offer them experiences, or to transform a moment by communicating with them with more relevant messages.

We also need to consider that people know when a brand is being real and when it is feigning it or taking advantage of a situation or moment to create connections. There we could get the opposite effect. So, that is why having a consistent brand with its own personality and definition is so important; this brand should be so humanistic that it has beliefs and takes a stance on matters of importance. As the process of humanizing the brand improves, better relationships will be established.

Having said that, to apply these ideas there needs to be first a good strategy and an understanding of the people we are reaching, since as humans, they are complex. We should think not only about insights, but also about mindsets, What’s in their minds? What are they worried about? Why do they act the way they do, or buy what they buy?

After this, we need a creative twist to allow us to be relevant in the messages we send out. We live in the era of documentation and infoxication, we are not only competing against other brands to get people’s attention. Here, form is valuable, and creativity becomes necessary to find differentiated narratives that prevent our messages from becoming noise to our audiences.

Finally, behind every brand, there is a group of people trying to build a relationship with another group of people that, even though we name them many ways (audience, target, spectators, public, etc.), they are no more than people, and we should treat them as such and not as a number or percentage.

Diana Ruiz
Copywriter supervisor